If you decide to move after you have retired, we need to get in writing the new address information. This can be done on a letter to the Office of Retirement Services or by completing the Change of Address form that can be found under the “FORMS” icon on this website. The form/letter must be signed and dated.
But before you submit your change of address request, you may want to consider how your move may affect your medical coverage, state taxes, and where you want your pension to be deposited.
It is important that you find out if your current medical provider will offer services in your new place of residency. Some providers, like Kaiser, are governed by service areas. If you move out of their service area, then you will need to change to a Blue Shield plan that may cost you a lot of money. To get detailed information on the different plans that are offered to retirees, click on the “INSURANCE BENEFITS” icon to download the comparison sheet. If you determine that you will need to change providers, the Medical, Dental, and Vision Enrollment form needs to be completed and submitted along with your change of address form, which can be found under the “FORMS” icon on this website. The form must be signed and dated.
If you moved out of California, you need to determine if you need to continue to pay California state taxes or terminate the deduction. This would be something you may want to ask your tax preparer. To make a change to your state taxes deduction, the California State Tax Withholding form needs to be completed and submitted along with your change of address form, which can be found under the “FORMS” icon on this website. The form must be signed and dated.
If moving is going to cause a change of your financial institution, you will need to provide us the new bank information. To make this change, send a letter to the Department stating the change, or click on the “FORMS” icon and download the Automatic Deposit form. The form/letter must be signed and dated. Remember to attach a voided check to your request
Retirement Services recommends that you notify us of the change of address at least a month in advance (if possible) to meet payroll deadlines and avoid mishaps like depositing your pension to a closed account, or if you need to change providers having lapse in coverage, etc…
Please remember that we cannot make any of the above change over the phone. All changes to our system need to be in writing that includes a signature and a date. If you cannot print any of the forms above, please call the Office of Retirement Services and we will gladly mail you the form(s).